Basic Privacy Setting For Facebook

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By Rilwan Abdullahi

Facebook Privacy Settings

Basic Facebook privacy settings allow you to customize your profile to your liking, condition, and purpose. Even as far as allowing you to control who sees your Facebook activities, such as status updates, photos, videos, who tags you, tag suggestions, who posts on your timeline, and so on.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the basic Facebook privacy settings you should be aware of in order to better control your privacy on the Facebook platform.

Basic Facebook Privacy Settings For Every Facebook User

Here are the Facebook privacy settings that every Facebook user should be aware of. They are critical to your Facebook experience, and if you have any questions about Facebook privacy settings, please leave them in the comments section and we will respond. Let’s begin with the fundamentals;

1. Accessing The Privacy Settings & Tools Panel:

There are different Facebook settings, while some of them can be gotten to through various roads, one can likewise essentially get to most through the Facebook ‘Security Settings and Tools’ board. They permit you make changes to the greater part of the things that make a difference to you on Facebook, including who can reach you, and even who can find you through your gave telephone number and email.

To get to the Facebook Privacy Settings and Tools, essentially click on the drop-down “lock symbol” (it is the little bolt pointing lower) right at the upper right corner of your Facebook landing page, then, at that point, click on ‘Settings’ and afterward gaze toward your left to see “protection” among the rundown of menu; click on “Security” and afterward select your ideal protection setting.

2. Audience Settings When Posting:

Facebook allows you to control the audience for your Facebook posts. This means that when you make a post on Facebook, you can choose who can see it: ‘Public,’ ‘Friends,’ ‘Groups,’ or ‘Custom’ (Specific individuals). Furthermore, you have the option of restricting such posts to only yourself.

To select the audience while posting, simply write your post as usual, then click on the drop-down icon directly to the left of the blue “Post” button. Choose the audience you want to see the status update for from the drop-down menu (Public, Friends, Only Me, Custom).

3. Controlling Timeline And Tagging Settings:

This Facebook Privacy settings controls such viewpoints concerning who can post to your Timeline, and who can see things presented on your course of events, and what’s more permits you oversee how you are labeled to posts and labels ideas.

To change the Timeline and Tagging settings to control who can add or post things to your Timeline, who can see things on your Timeline, and furthermore oversee labels individuals add as well as labeling settings; Simply look under “Security” (as depicted above) to see “Course of events and Tagging”, click on it to change your Timeline and labeling set up.

At any relating choice, simply click on the “Alter” at the right end side of every choice to change the setting.

4. Controlling Personal Information:

The “About” segment of each and every Facebook client uncovers the majority of the clients individual data, including orientation, birth subtleties, work, training, relatives and more.This then makes it important to change who sees a portion of this individual data.

To control who sees the data inside the “About” segment, essentially click on “About” tab underneath your cover photograph while you are on your Timeline. Then, at that point, click on the dim “Alter” button in the upper right corner of the segment bearing the data you expect to alter, trailed by Audience selector found straightforwardly to one side of the data. The pick the crowd starting from the drop menu and Facebook will consequently save the progressions when you are finished.

5. Hiding Your Friends, Followers And Following Lists:

To make your Friends lists private, go to your Timeline and click the “About” section below your cover photo. Scroll down to your friends list, click the pencil icon in the upper-right corner of the box, and then select Edit Privacy from the drop-down menu. Then, decide whether you want your friends list to be public, only visible to your friends, or only visible to you. Using the Custom option, you can even specify individuals. Follow the same procedure for your followers and the things you follow.

6. To Create Custom Friends Group

Simply click on “Groups” from the list of menus on the left side of your Facebook home page to create a custom friend group (News Feed).

Then click the green ” + Create Group” button.

Now, name the group you want to create, and invite friends by typing their names or email addresses.

Following that, you choose the Privacy level for your group, which can be “Close Group,” “Public Group,” or “Secret Group.”

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